- Vietnam is a socialistic republic and this fact is obvious, nevertheless it is a bit funny combination of Asian country, where communists run in flip-flops.
- Meals are delicious, not really hot, and you can also find European cooking there.
- Environs look really communistic.
- You do not find any dogs or other animals, supposedly they have been eaten (happens only in northern Vietnam).
- Basic vehicle is bicycle or motorcycle.
- Everybody likes to use klaxon everywhere.
- You do not find more beautiful flower markets anywhere else.
- Million rang is approximately 50 Euros, so you will be a millionaire
- Bank bills are plastic.
- Hanoi is full of trees, lakes and museums.
- Vietnam has perhaps the tastiest pineapple fruits, which are everywhere and very cheap.
- You get Coca-cola for really funny price ? approximately 1 cent.
- You can also buy wonderful alabaster figures, silks and typical hats - very cheap.
- Vietnamese wine Vang Dálat is tasty and costs 3 USD.
- It?s not a problem to transport fleshy pig on motorcycle or bicycle (we do not mean thicker tourist from the west).
- If you are not an alcohol expert or gourmet do not drink rice brandy !!!
- Internet connection is everywhere available.
- Starting tariff for taxi is approximately 1 USD, cabs are cheap and safety.
- Crossing the roads has to be pretty fast, that is the only safety way.
- Most of the bars and disco clubs close at 24:00 o'clock.